
You Are Qualified
Lucy Kyllonen Lucy Kyllonen

You Are Qualified

Have you ever felt like you're not enough? Maybe you've tried to change who you are to meet the expectations of others? I’ve definitely been there. It’s so easy to fall into the trap of thinking that we need to fit into a mold or measure up to certain standards. But here’s something that has changed everything for me: You are already qualified.

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Law & Order
Lucy Kyllonen Lucy Kyllonen

Law & Order

This is a familiar storyline. Let me explain. As women, we empathize with Det. Olivia Benson because we have all experienced a time when we were on our post and against our better judgment, let our guard down. Maybe we were enticed by the seductive words of, who my god-mother calls, “The Raggedy Charmer”. “Yeah”, she’d say, “I called him raggedy” (emphatic). LOL! The raggedy charmer is the guy the Holy Spirit warned us about in the beginning by waving the proverbial red flag but we didn’t listen. No, we chose to listen to the slithering charmer a little too long and were persuaded that he wasn’t “THAT BAD”. Only to slowly let our guard down (over two episodes) and get hit with a surprise. Man, oh man, what a surprise it was.

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Weathering Life’s Storms: Embracing Endings and New Beginnings
Lucy Kyllonen Lucy Kyllonen

Weathering Life’s Storms: Embracing Endings and New Beginnings

“Endings are rarely easy, especially for those of us who want everything to end on a happy note. Yet, just as we saw with Hurricane Milton, some storms come to clear the path, making room for new beginnings we hadn’t imagined. In these moments, we’re invited to trust God in the in-between—to let go of what was and make space for what He’s about to do. Because sometimes, the greatest act of faith is simply releasing what no longer serves us, knowing He has a future and a hope waiting ahead.”

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God’s Promises
Lucy Kyllonen Lucy Kyllonen

God’s Promises

"When life throws storms your way—car troubles, health issues, and unexpected chaos—how do you stay anchored? I’ve learned that true rest doesn’t come from quiet spaces but from a quiet soul. No matter how noisy or painful life gets, God’s promises are the solid ground we can stand on.”

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Paid in Full
Lucy Kyllonen Lucy Kyllonen

Paid in Full

We often find ourselves wrestling with uncertainty, trying to figure things out. I say this from experience, not just from hearing about it; I’ve tried to figure it out too. But the truth is, God has already worked it all out.

For several years, I spoke in faith, declaring that my student loans would decrease or be paid off. Eventually, I began to declare with conviction that they would be completely eliminated, inspired by the promises made during our current President’s campaign.

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Feeling Late: My Journey to Trusting God's Timing
Lucy Kyllonen Lucy Kyllonen

Feeling Late: My Journey to Trusting God's Timing

“Just like Alice in Wonderland, I often feel like I am running late in life’s journey. But amidst the uncertainty and the rabbit holes I may stumble into, I find solace in the certainty that God will use me wherever I am and in whatever season I find myself. It is a reminder that even amid the chaos and confusion, there is a purpose to my journey, and God’s plan for me remains unwavering.”

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God doesn’t give us what we can handle; God helps us handle what we are given.
Lucy Kyllonen Lucy Kyllonen

God doesn’t give us what we can handle; God helps us handle what we are given.

Talk about one thing after another; well, it got worse. About two months later, on a summer night, I almost lost my husband to a near-fatal experience. Not even married a year, the thought of losing him was overwhelming. This shook my world, turning it upside down. Another shock to the nervous system. At this point, all I could ask was, "GOD, what is it? What is going on?"

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Lessons in Life Come with Pain and Truth
Lucy Kyllonen Lucy Kyllonen

Lessons in Life Come with Pain and Truth

Lessons in life often come with experiences, challenges, and reflections, teaching resilience, empathy, and self-discovery. Some we learn, some we fail at, and we miss understanding the lesson. Lessons are a part of life. We cannot run or hide from them. They are continually showing up in every season of life. Without them, how would we learn? We simply do not. That is why some, if not, all of us are repeating life cycles due to not learning from the lesson. Ladies and Gents, some words I most recently heard are that we must learn how to "Own Our Lessons." 

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Hey girl, hey!
Lucy Kyllonen Lucy Kyllonen

Hey girl, hey!

Starting A NEW (normal) may not be easy.

Many of us are finding ourselves starting A NEW. It could stem from opening or closing a chapter in your life, such as your children moving away to college, starting a new relationship or maybe ending one, overcoming an illness, embarking on a new career, or experiencing a loss. Perhaps you are just ready for a change. You may feel like you're starting over, but you're not starting over; you're starting A NEW. Often, the enemy will have you think that because you're starting A NEW, something is wrong with you, or you have failed. Maybe he says that you have messed up…again. But the truth is you have not failed, and it is important for you to know this. Those are lessons learned. Remember this: God knew exactly what we would do when we did it. He also knew that we would be at this stage in life. This is no surprise to Him. If He wanted something different to have happened, He would have allowed it to happen differently.

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Finding Faith in the Park
Lucy Kyllonen Lucy Kyllonen

Finding Faith in the Park

It's 8:12 am, and the house is up. I felt a tug in my heart to go just be and take in the wonders of creation to allow nature to flow within me. Since there was no work today, I decided, as I looked at my dog Bane, we were going to the park. He had no hesitation in agreeing with me. His ears perked up, and he gave me a look. He spun around in his happy dance and sat at the door, awaiting his collar and leash. I wasn't aware that I would write this blog in the following moments to come. But God.

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the right A.S.K.
Lucy Kyllonen Lucy Kyllonen

the right A.S.K.

Imagine this. You arrive home one day after work, and your front door is wide open. Would you feel comfortable waking in? What would you do?

After hanging out with a friend, how about you head to the parking lot to get your car? You notice one of your car doors open. What is your first thought? How do you react? 

We have two scenarios, each with an open door. In these situations, an open door is not always a good thing. It is not always an invitation to enter. Not all doors that are left open are a good sign. 

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Are You Fully Clothed?
Lucy Kyllonen Lucy Kyllonen

Are You Fully Clothed?

Here’s a little insight into my season. I'm back in school at age 37 for nursing (only God); I'm working at a nonprofit where chaos and turmoil occur. The future is unknown due to the two companies splitting up after 30 years of partnership; my youngest son has ADHD. I'm learning how to parent better while we are in fourth grade, and school has been a rollercoaster ride every week, with some real highs and some real lows; I'm dreaming of a missionary trip, opening a nonprofit, and a few other things, I'm creating my book, finally! This is the year I say, “Last but not least, I’m building up my spiritual life like never before.” And without protection, I can lose the battle before I know what hit me if I'm not careful, grounded, and not on guard. 

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Ready? Reset. Go!
Lucy Kyllonen Lucy Kyllonen

Ready? Reset. Go!

What are the innermost parts of yourself that you hide? Who are you hiding them from? And why? While our answers to these questions may be similar or completely different from that of others, there is one undeniable truth that applies to us all…we cannot hide them from God!

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Lucy Kyllonen Lucy Kyllonen


As a young adult, I always said I wouldn't get married. I started having kids early, so marriage was out of the question for me. I always felt it wasn't in my book. Now, don’t get me wrong, my parents both died married to each other, but they separated before I was born. How is that? Yeah, I still ask myself that same question.

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Lucy Kyllonen Lucy Kyllonen


God's ways are sometimes the opposite of what we want and expect.

This can be difficult on the human heart. Especially when we're carrying around all of our expectations and ideas of how and when God should answer our prayers. It can also make us prone to missing God's answers when we get attached to the outcomes of our own thinking.

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Addicted to Pain
Lucy Kyllonen Lucy Kyllonen

Addicted to Pain

Let me start by saying this blog is a vulnerable one. It has taken some time to put these words together. It's taken me some time to learn how to express this addiction to pain. Even saying it seems strange. I wasn't like, yea God, you’re right. I was more like, huh? No, I'm not. I don't even like pain. I got defensive first, then emotional, and then realized what He was referring to.

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His Plan Is Greater
Lucy Kyllonen Lucy Kyllonen

His Plan Is Greater

Do you ever feel like your life is under construction? Life and all its challenges can often be equated to an ongoing home renovation project. For some, the repairs are centered around fractured relationships within the walls of a dwelling. For others, it can be anything from a broken heart or a mind weakened by the distractions of this world…to a complete soul repair. No matter the work needing to be done, a successful restoration of our mind, body, and spirit requires God. Doing the work ourselves without His help is as good as using duct tape to fix what is broken.

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Tearing Down the High Places
Lucy Kyllonen Lucy Kyllonen

Tearing Down the High Places

Most of us have a personal "high place." It's the person, place, or thing we go to instead of God to solve our problems or to make us feel better. It is the person, place, or thing that consumes our minds more than prayer or reading our Bible. We say we trust God, but do we run to Him first when faced with a difficult situation? We can think we are doing right in the sight of the Lord but neglect to tear down our "high places." Why not? My best guess is we lack total faith in God.

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